Denim : From Trash to Treasure


Paper Fig connects people across the world - people whose everyday realities are completely distinct. In New York, it’s commonplace for people to have too many pairs of jeans in their closet. In Kasese, a pair of jeans is a resource that can be utilized wisely. So when our New York team packed up to travel to East Africa a few months ago, they rallied their community first. With about 20 different donors, they easily filled 3 large suitcases full of jeans. When they arrived in Kasese, they gave them to the Paper Fig community. Now, those jeans that would have been wasted are finding new lives as jackets, jumpsuits, and bags. Our teachers and students are learning about sustainability and creativity. And our community is thinking twice about waste, and about how to contribute to a more eco-friendly future.

Check out the new PFF denim designs, and order a couture design of your own by emailing us!


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